25 Facts of Digital marketing to blow you off

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The World of marketing is not what it was 5 years back!! It has changed completely with the advancement of the internet technology. Digital Marketing has emerged with a boom and has become a necessity of each single growing business. Not only the big tycoons but also the small vendors are approaching towards it and even we standing high among the top digital marketing companies in India are experiencing this as we have increased our digital marketing portfolio over the last few years. Without Digital Marketing, one cannot think of any progress in his business. Enjoy reading the facts about Digital Marketing which every person must know!!

Facts-Social Media-Thoughtful Minds












Email Marketing

  1. 42% consumers confess that they open a promotional email only when they are familiar to sender’s name.
  2. 85% of the people prefer leaving email address for an e-book than tweet.
  3. Yield from email marketing is nearly $44.25 on average.
  4. If you miss writing the subject, then it is 8% more likely to be opened than those with.
  5. Managing emails through mobile devices has been increased by 80% worldwide in last 6 months.

Must Read: Why Digital Marketing services in India are important for your business.?

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Blogs and Content Marketing

  1. 63% people are more influenced by blogs than newspaper to purchase something.
  2. There is chance of getting 5 times traffic if your company has a blog
  3. The top 10 pages on Google have average length of 2000 words.
  4. You will receive more likes if your posts have 10-18 word titles.
  5. Views on any article are increased by 94% if it contains photographs.
  6. Info-graphics allow companies to grow by 12% on average.
  7. If the number of pages in a site is increased from 10-15, then the company sales lead is increased by 55% on an average.
  8. Post longer than 1500 words is more likely to have 68.1% tweets and 22.6% more Facebook likes.
  9. 47% Americans believe that Facebook is the number one in influencing over their purchases.
  10. 78% of CMO’s believe that custom content is the future of marketing.




  1. Conversions can be increased by 86% if landing pages contain video.
  2. 267% more likes are received on video than other posts.
  3. 58% of the people watches video nearly up to 90 seconds.
  4. 80% of visitors watch video and 20% read texts on your page.
  5. A prospective customer is 144% more likely to buy when there’s a product video featured.


  1. Search for local business through mobile is 88%
  2. Mobile traffic growth rate is 10 times than the desktop traffic.
  3. Before making any purchase 74% of the people use mobile for doing internet search.
  4. 173 million US consumers have a smartphone.
  5. 50% of all searches begin on a mobile device.

No one has ever believed that the internet marketing can affect their business so vastly. Well, it’s not too late!! If you want your online presence and want to showcase your company to the world we are just a call away. Our team of professional will assist you in taking your business to next higher level. Mail us at info@thoughtfulminds.org or call 9413348979 to discuss your requirements.

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Being the top digital marketing agency in India, Thoughtfulminds is securing the top position on thousands of keywords and that is another reason sufficient to say it has the best digital marketing course that is to some extent different than that offered by other companies or institutes. So, don’t let your competitors kill your business. Let’s come together and work together.