How To Improve Page Speed? [Infographic]

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Page Speed has great impact on website performance. No visitor likes to wait for long if the page loading taking much time. So it is important that the pages of your site have faster load time. However, some common actions might lead to issues in page load time. On-site SEO takes care of such issues to deliver best services. Here is the infographic showing some of the common tips that can help to improve page speed for better load time.

How To Improve Page Speed? [Infographic]

Allow Compression

Use file compression application Gzip for reducing size of HTML, CSS and Javascript files with size > 150 bytes. For image files, use Photoshop for retaining image quality.

Decrease Redirects

Redirection leads to additional time that user need to wait for the completion of HTTP request response. It results in slowing the page load and should therefore be avoided.

Remove Javascript That Is Render Blocking

Before rendering a page, the browser need to create DOM tree by parsing HTML and this process stops when it finds a script since it has to execute the script first for continuing.

Improve Time Of Server Response

The hosting solution used on site, traffic on site, resources used by pages and software etc. affect response time of the server. You also need to fix the bottlenecks of performance like slow routing, slow queries of database, lack of memory etc. for best server response time.


The content distribution networks are servers networks used for distribution of content delivering load. It helps in offering reliable and faster site access to users.

Image Optimization

Ensure the size and format of images. CSS sprites could be used for making images template that are frequently called on site like icons and buttons as it combines them in one large image and saves loading time.

Improve page speed [INFOGRAPHIC]-ThoughtfulMinds