Difference between B2B White Papers and B2C White Papers

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In our previous blog we discussed about how to generate leads with compelling white papers, now let’s have a look at difference between B2B white papers and B2C white papers. First of all, it is important to note B2B white papers are those that are meant for businesses and written by a business. On the other hand B2C white papers are written for the prospective customers by the business.

It is observed that usually B2B WPs are written and B2C WPs are not considered to be very popular. It is due to the belief that the decision makers as well as executives are the only one who feels it’s a good idea reading long white papers as they are going to benefit them. The consumers on the other hand prefer to stay away from time consuming big papers. But is this belief right? The answer is a big no!

B2C papers work and it is seen that white papers of length 10 to 14 pages work. Not just that, even papers of length 20 to 40 pages even resulted in generating leads. Unlike decision makers, regular customers have time and they prefer devoting some of their time, educating them by reading big documents. Thus, B2C papers even work.

Let’s have a look at the ways white papers are prepared:

B2C White Papers:

These papers are more referred to as direct selling papers. Here the problems and solutions are discussed in the similar manner like that in B2B paper, however here the selling is entirely direct. Under this paper, after all information about the company is mentioned, strong call to action is made, persuading readers to get in touch with the company and make use of its services. There are free gifts as well as offers encouraging reader to make use of the services or buy the product. The design under this paper is made highly attractive, even better than B2B white papers. Even sometimes testimonials are included to make it look highly attractive.

B2B white papers:

Formal language differentiates B2B paper from a B2C white paper. Under this kind of paper, direct selling is not allowed and the writing is quite indirect.  Here call to action with direct pitch like “Call us today” are not used. Here the problems are discussed with solution. Thereafter, the company’s information is provided along with the products and services it offers.

Thus, both these papers are important for every organization and you must have them if you wish to grow your business. In case you don’t have you must get one written today. For specific companies like those dealing with Bitcoins, these papers are considered must. So, if you are new to the world of cryptocurrency or wish to seek investors for selling Bitcoins, then you may get in touch with us today.