10 Best WordPress Tips for Theme Based Sellers

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If you are new to WordPress it may happen that you become overwhelmed with ever so many ThemeForest themes that are available. It then becomes a challenge to choose the best WordPress theme that is suited for you. We have tried to make this job easier for you by compiling 10 tips that will help you to choose a WordPress theme.

Tip #1: WordPress has themes that are suited to every industry. Many of them can be customized to meet your needs. However, do not choose a theme that is totally unsuited to your industry. For this purpose, it is good idea to use filters of Themeforest to narrow down your choices.

Tip #2: It is important to run a credibility check on the creator of the theme if you happen to like any of them. Read the author’s profile and find out if they have secured some badges. Also make a tour of their social media pages.

tips to choose wordpress theme-ThoughtfulMinds

Tip #3: Always choose a theme that is supported with updates. The updates may be paid or free. This is an important factor when it comes to maintaining compatibility with future versions of WordPress. Ensure that you check the pre and post-sales support of the theme before purchase. This can avoid a lot of heartaches later on.

Tip #4: Always make sure that you check out the demo once you have decided on a theme. This can be done after checking out the presentation page. The features of the design elements, performance related to speed, and how it would appear on your website if you chose the theme should all be checked thoroughly. It is vital to realize that you will not be using the same colour combinations or stock photos as used in the demo.

Tip #5: Before you decide on the theme, make sure that it would work on multiple browsers. This makes sure that the website that you create would work on all major browsers.

Tip #6: The theme that you select should also be responsive. The theme should be one that works on different devices such as smartphones, TVs and iPads. The site should appear as it should on every device.

seo friendly wordpress theme-ThoughtfulMinds

Tip #7: In these days when everyone wants to hog the top spot in Google search lists, it is important to choose a WordPress theme that is SEO friendly. Be tuned to check out loading time and speed if mentioned. The theme should also be user friendly in that the user should be able to easily navigate through it.

Tip #8: Complete documentation for a theme is important especially if it is a premium one. Be on the lookout for any tutorial or video or document that will teach you how to make the most of the premium WordPress theme.

Tip #9: Check out the ratings for the chosen WordPress theme. Ratings influence the purchaser’s buying decisions. It is good to buy any ThemeForest theme that has a rating of over 4 stars. The creators of such themes would have invariably built a positive community with such a rating. On the other hand, it is also vital not to rely exclusively on these ratings. Sometimes these very ratings may have come by mere herd instinct. For the themes with low ratings it may also be true that many do not hesitate to pin negative comments regarding the themes when these may not be actually true.

theme reviews-ThoughtfulMinds

Tip #10: Check out everything regarding the plugin compatibility of the theme that you may have chosen. Your theme should be compatible with the major plugins that are currently doing the rounds. If you aim is to run an eCommerce project, your theme should be compatible with WooCommerce.


At the end of it all, one should realize that choosing a theme is a subjective decision. There is nothing that makes a perfect theme. It should be one that suits your requirements: in terms of your preferences, the requirements of your website and your financial constraints. Your theme choice should be one that fits into your current needs. These needs are sure to change with time. By then you should be able to either adjust this theme, or, if not possible, buy a new theme at that point in time.