International Yoga Day: Some Important Facts

A brief history:

September 27, 2014 was the day when the world community was proposed by Mr. Narendra Modi, our honorable Prime Minister to embrace International Yoga Day. As per the Prime Minister, the ancient tradition has provided a precious gift to us in the form of Yoga that embodies body and mind unity. The 175 member states endorsed this resolution. After this, International Yoga Day is celebrated every year on 21 June.


Yoga: What does it mean?

Yoga is the ancient practice that has its roots of origin in India. It is a physical, mental and spiritual practice. The meaning of word Yoga is Unity that represents body and mind unity. All the body levels are worked by this including body, mind, emotion and energy and one can stay healthy and fit forever with the help of this safe and easy practice. All that is required is practice on regular basis with proper breathing and body movement.

Functions of all the body organs are regularized by yoga and unhealthy situation that might disturb the body are prevented. Morning time is ideal for practicing yoga for getting inner and outer relief. From both mental and physical level, all the ailments are removed by yoga that brings feeling of happiness. It helps enhance brainpower, sharpen mind and improve concentration level. With the help of regular practice of yoga, development of self-awareness and self-discipline is possible.

5 basic yoga poses to practice on International Yoga Day:


Child’s pose (balasana):

Kneel down in the way such that the chest is on thighs. Touch the forehead to floor. By your side, stretch the arms and next to the feet must be the hands. Through the nose, breathe in slowly such that expansion is there in chest’s back and ribs get wide. For 5-8 breaths, stay in this pose. It helps ease anxiety and body circulation is also regulated.


Cat pose (bidalasana):

Move in the pose of tabletop with knees down the hips and wrists below shoulders. Broaden the shoulder blades by pushing the palms to mat. Look forward while inhaling and tuck chin to chest while exhaling. Continue the movement for about 5 breathes rounds. It helps increase synchronization of body and provides strength to spine.

Adho Mukha Svanasana-ThoughtfulMinds

Downward dog pose (adho mukha svanasana):

Make the palms a bit wider than the width of shoulder, hips must be lifted and toes have to be tucked. Move the chest back towards thighs, make the arms straight and ease the head. Roll shoulders moving them away from ears. Curve the knees and walk such that at a time, one heel is down. Keep the position of hips high and feet must touch the ground. It makes the bones strong and increase flow of blood to brain and face.


Straight forward bent pose (uttanasana):

In the direction of hands, move the feet and upper body must hang. Relax the head and neck and bend the knees to start. Stretch the spine while inhaling and move head in direction of feet as you exhale. Be in this position for 10 rounds of breathing. It makes the spine strong and calms nerves and mind.


Triangle pose (Trikonasana):

Be in standing position and widen the legs. Bring right foot out aligning heel with left foot’s center arch. Reach out to right such that arms are parallel to ground. Keep thighs engaged with legs straight. Arms must be aligned in line and stretch torso. Be in this position for 5 breathe. It enhances blood function athwart body and strengthens the arms and back.